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Year-end Gospel Camps


The Year-end Mandarin Student Gospel Camp is a yearly gospel camp organized by COCM. It aims to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, build up and strengthen their faith and provide serving opportunities for those Christians who committed themselves to grow and experience Christ. In this sense, not only mature Christian are welcome to the camp. There will also be proximally one third of seekers joining the camp along with some new-born Christians. According to the different age group and background of the participants, the Year-end gospel camp will be divided into Family camp (2008-2019) and Student camp.

Camp Background


Year-end Mandarin Student Gospel Camp


Since the year 2000, the UK and the European region have witnessed an influx of students from mainland China. Through evangelism and pastoral care offered by the local churches and student fellowships, many have come to know Jesus Christ and accept Him as their personal Saviour. Among the large group of young students, the majority come for their Master degree, and staying in the UK only for one year. They are most likely to feel lonely and homesick during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Seeing the needs, COCM workers came up with the idea of organising a Mandarin gospel camp in order to minister to these students from Mainland China. By the grace of God, the first Year-end camp was held at the end of 2003. From the year 2007, we made major changes to the style and framework of the Year-end Mandarin Camps by approaching common issues faced by society, in particular by students. This enabled the selection of Bible verses, parables and sermons that were tailored to the specific needs of the younger generation of Chinese students. All praise to the Lord, student camp has gradually developed into a camp that exceeded 150 participate since 2014.


Christmas Mandarin Family Gospel Camp (2008-2019)


In the view of having a great success in Year-end Mandarin Student Gospel Camp, a decision was made in 2008 to start organising a Christmas Family Gospel Camp by using the same topic as the student camp. The Family Camp is aiming not only for spreading the gospel to those new Chinese immigrants and their families, but also providing a platform of caring and strengthening their faith in Christ.

Since 2020, Mandarin Camp (Family) is held in the summer: MSC

Camp Details


Every year, the two Gospel Camp will be sharing the same topic, and to explore the topic by having sermons, workshops, group discussions, etc. However, we will also be making slight adjustment according to different participant. We aim to spread the gospel by providing a warm and homey atmosphere to our non-Christian participants, strengthen the faith of the new-born believers, and to train those Christian who committed themselves to be future leaders of churches and fellowships.

The Main content of the camp:
1) Sermons
2) Worship
3) Testimony
4) Workshop
5) Group Discussion
6) Group Game
7) One-on-one Consulting

As we aim to teach the gospel clearly and efficiently, special activities will be arranged for teenagers and children under the age of 18 (not including the age under 3) during the Christmas Family Gospel Camp. By leading them in a variety of program, they will get to learn about God, to encounter Him and experience Him in a personal way. With the Youth and Children program, parents will be able to fully participate in the camp.


Things to Know

When will the camps be?

  • Year-end Mandarin Student Gospel Camp: 28th Dec to 1st Jan 

Where is it?
COCM, 2 Padstow Avenue, Fishermead, Milton Keynes, MK6 2ES

Who is it for?

You don’t have to be a Christian in order to apply, we welcome everyone (including both Christians and Non-Christians, Baptized and non-Baptized). As long as you are interested in hearing or even spreading the gospel you are very welcome to join us in both camps. We will suggest for all families and working adults to join the Christmas Family Gospel Camp and the students to join the Year-end Student Gospel Camp. 

In what languages?
Both camps will mainly operate in Mandarin.
**The special program for teenagers (13-18 Years old) and children (3-12 Years old) during the family camp will be taught in English 

More details?
Please contact:

Things to know
Previous camps

Previous Camp Themes

2003  Living Out a Splendid Life

2004  The Way in the Sea

2005  Hand in Hand with Love

2006  Success, Fulfilment and Love

2007  Different Choice, Different Future

2008  Contract with Love

2009  My Life - Who is in Charge?

2010  The Way to Happiness

2011   The Most Important Decision

2012  Only Jesus

2013  The Voice from Heaven

2014  On the Road

2015  Knowing You by Heart

2016  Come and See

2017  Braveheart

2018  Gospel Inc.

2019  Come Alive

2020 Longing for You

2021  Our Song

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